Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Castle Recap

Castle Recap “Hell Hath No Fury” 3/30/09
This week Detective Kate Beckett (along with author Richard Castle) investigated the murder of a congressman, Jeff Horn, which took place in the middle of election week. Horn was found shot in the head and rolled up in a rug; the design of which was custom made for the hotels of a Mr. Calvin Creason. Calvin Creason is shown to be a very pompous, arrogant rich man who was out partying the night before. However, he insists that he does NOT have motive to kill the congressman, because he knew for a fact that Horn was not going to win the election. The investigation then turned to a Mr. Frank Nesbit. Horn’s opponent during the election. Nesbit hired a Private Investigator to dig up the dirt on Horn, wanting to have leverage over the man. The findings themselves were shocking. Horn was having an affair with a woman. One who…offered her services to men. Nesbit never released the pictures to the public, and claimed that if he did now, the congressman’s wife would receive even more sympathy, which wouldn’t be good for him since she was taking her husbands place in the election. The investigation turns to the P.I, and our duo figures out that Kirby (P.I) realized that he could make money off of Horn by blackmailing him with the photos, so he asked for 250,000 dollars which he was to receive the day of the murder. However, it turns out that Laurie knew of the affair after all. The end of the case, however, is one that confused me. I’m not sure whether Laurie Horn was the murderer (or had a part to play in the murder), or what the story with Nesbit (who got arrested) is. If anyone can clear that up, please do so.
During all this, Castle’s latest book is being released. According to Martha Rogers (a.k.a Mother), the book isn’t selling too well, and the reviews aren’t great. However, in a nice little family moment, Alexis (the daughter) shows him a very positive review and tells her dad that she’s proud of him.
There were many little Castle/Beckett moments in this episode. One was in the car scene when Castle was telling her what attributes of hers his character will have. Some mentioned were that the character will be smart, good at her job…and he also mentioned slutty. The other good C/B moment is when Beckett comes to Castle’s book reading in a very nice dress. We find out her “alter ego” is Nikki Heat (she protests to the name).
I love the fun, flirty banter between these two main characters, as well as the sense of family with Alexis and Martha. The relationship between Beckett and her unofficial “team” members is also great. And it all makes for good TV.
If I made any mistakes, please tell me and I will make the necessary corrections.
Here is a brief summary of next week’s episode (thanks to Wikipedia), “A Chill Goes Through Her Veins”, which you can catch at Monday at 10 on ABC: A woman found frozen at a construction site leads Beckett and Castle to reopen a cold case. The probe into the victim's past stirs up unpleasant memories for Beckett, which provides Castle with new book material.
Until later,

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