Show Notes
Awww. Those pictures... He's so sad. I love those pictures. A lot.
There she is! Upset.
This is so sweet. And sad. But mostly sweet.
Ireland? That's far away.
"This isn't about one fight. Honestly, Michael, if you didn't see this coming, you weren't paying attention." Yayyy Fi! She asked The Question... Well, more like stated it.
He's emotional about her GUN. That's a new one.
Irish!Michael. Haha.
Someone is trying to kill Fi? Oh, the look on his face. He loves her, and he just needs to frick-fracking say it.
She definitely lost her accent. I was expecting her to use it with Michael and Sean using theirs.
All of her big guns are packed away. That's not like Fi, even if she is moving.
Thomas O'Neill- Bloodthirsty Hooligan.
They wouldn't accept an American Spy. Fi says Sean better not find out.
Background checks. I love Sam. This Sean guy? Not so much.
Awww! She had a sister who was killed.
Danggg. This is sad.
"There's no point in fighting with him. Trust me."
"I am not one of your damn clients." Fiona- The Client.
Strickler, GO AWAY. Fi is like eighteen trillion times more important.
Partners. Ha. Strickler. Jump. In. A. Ditch. Actually, off of a cliff.
One-Man-Ultra-Radical-Splinter-Group. Uh-huh.
"Boys, put those things away." I think Maddy is my favorite.
Oh, no. She CANNOT sell the house.
"First your girl, then you're childhood home."
"But you like Fiona, right?"
Lucky Charms Brigade.
Missing a shot because she broke a nail or dropped her purse? He clearly doesn't know his sister.
Um, she never answers her phone while in danger. Haven't we learned that?
Ms. Reynolds. Uh-huh.
"Aw, just... Don't." Michael is bad for Sam's love life.
"No more ignoring your phone." Because, apparently, that's a problem.
Undercover as an American. Haha.
"Your accent's a bit dodgy." Bahaha. Fi is trying really hard not to crack up laughing.
"Helps unhappy people kill each other..." That is a GREAT description for a gun.
I love the name Glenanne.
"Butch, Sundance, cool it." Maddy is DEFINITELY my favorite.
Strickler. Frick. GO. AWAY.
"Nothing about this is clean." Amen.
Nothin else matters? What freaking ever.
"Why are you coming home without McBride?" That's a great question, Sean.
Of course she's still in love with him. And him with her. Duh.
Okay, maybe Sean isn't SO bad.
Protecting Fi is like Michael Westen Priority Numero Uno.
Okay, I take back the whole Sean thing. Turn the laser OFF!
Signature bomb. Lucky thirteen.
For sale? People hate Fi? Sad.
"How about you shut up?!" Go Fi.
Sean = Jerk.
"It's all right. I don't need to know." Oh, Maddy. You are the greatest.
"You probably won't understand this, but most people- normal people..." I love Maddy.
"It's not easy for everyone." This is ridiculously hard for him.
Michael got shot with drugs, Sean with bullets, and Fi has been stolen.
This is ah-mazing and yet will become eighteen million times better. Bring on Frantic/Worried/In Love!Michael.
Oh, my gosh, he's SOOO freaked out. I LOVE IT. Like I can't even describe.
Um, yeah, Strickler. This DOESN'T wait.
Oh, my heck. Strickler did this?
"She had to go." Oh, dear. Um... I can't even describe the intensity of this scene or Michael's rage.
"You can't have the girl AND the job." There's The Question.
"Fi isn't my past." Yesss!
Be still, my heart.
"In my version, I'm stabbing you in the throat with an ice pick." I love Fi.
She's scared but doing an awesomesauce job of hiding it. Fi is ah-mazing.
Hahahah. So is Sam. "Oh, I'm finishing this, Brother. I'm getting Fi out of there, no matter what. Just don't tell her I said that."
And she jumps into the water so I can have my Walking-Out-of-the-Ocean-Carrying-Her Picture, which is my iPod background.
Oh, dear. She hasn't come up... Oh, thank God. She breathes.
Awww! More Face-Holding. And Loving Looks.
I keep squealing. It's pathetic how much of a Fan Girl I am. *facepalm*
I officially hate commercials because they keep me from Fluff.
Awww! He's doctoring her. I love it.
Yayyy for not selling the house.
Sean-the-Jerk is not being such a jerk. Still... Dislikeee.
And her first concious action? Calling for Michael.
Oh, they can't say it, but they know.
I love the Face-Holding. Not many other characters do that.
Oh, don't answer your phone. Don't do it.
Diego is freaked. and drinking. *growls* Fi is more important!
More danger for Michael. Woo-hoo.
Diego died. Greattt.
No more Fluff? *pouts*
Ooh. The Enemy You Don't See. Scary.
How can I go so long without Burn Notice, especially after that awesomesauce? *weeps*
So, apparently, many more Near Death Experiences are in Michael's future.
And, according to Sam, Operation: Un-Burn Michael Westen is Off.
Why did I not tape this? Screw large screened TVs. When can I watch this over and over? The Solution- iTunes.
I have noticed in the last two episodes, that asa sign of affection, Michael likes to hold or stroke Fiona's face. This doesn't happen with many other characters I can think of (Booth has done it to Bones a few times when she has been hurt), and I love it. Their not a normal couple, so they don't do all of the normal stuff, such as holding hands or kissing, but Michael does have a way of touching her to show his affection. It's very gentle, very sweet, and... What can I say? I love it. I hope to see a LOT more of it in the future.
"We're so not good at this."
A major... I guess you could say 'problem' in Mike and Fi's relationship is their lack of ability to put their feelings into words. Particularly three little words. In this episode, each came dangerously close. And while they didn't say it in the way normal people might, they said it, in different words.
Both of them began to voice their feelings, obviously struggling to string the words together. And then, the other one says, "It's okay. We're so not good at this."
They know.
Pick Up the Phone!
In the episode before the Summer Finale, 'Friends Like These', Fi was in danger from some psycopathic chick who they thought was the victim. The second Michael found this out, he called Fiona. Over and over. It REALLY worried him when she wouldn't pick up the phone. Same thing in this episode.
Fi has a bad habit of not answering her phone when in danger and worrying the crap out of Michael.
This time, Sam called to warn her that there were more men, and she ignored her phone.
Now, it's sweet to see Michael worried, but he's going to drive himself crazy.
Fi, Querida, please pick up your phone.
The Question
It was answered in this episode when Michael shot Strickler.
"You can't have the job AND the girl." Strickler put the question out there and Michael HAD to answer.
"Fiona is not my past!" BANG. BANG. BANG.
Michael answered the question.
After he's already tried to tell Fi he... Yep. Loved her.
I am satisfied now.
Wait? What relationship problem shall we have next?
Gee, I don't know. I'd be a little mad if I just regained conciuosness after being kidnapped, was trying to tell the man I loved that I loved him, and then he answered his phone two seconds later and ran off.
I would like an ACTUAL relationship now. THOSE problems will be interesting.
But, if not... I'm happy that The Question was addressed. In an even better way than I could have imagined.
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