First of all, I love the actresses. They're great. I liked them as Abbie Carmichael on L&O and Kate Todd on NCIS. Combine two actresses I love and I'm guaranteed to at least like the show a little bit.
But that's not why we love a show, is it? No. More importantly, I like the characters they play. Jane Rizzoli is a strong woman with a sense of humor a la *insert sarcastic comment here* which I love/am famous for. Maura Isles is smart and beautiful, but a little different (think Bones, but more "I like knowledge!" than "I know this, so I'm obviously better than you).
What's great is their friendship. Opposites attract, amiright? It's the age old combination of street smarts and book smarts. They're best friends, and I like that. Most friendships on TV are male/female, and this one being female/female is nice because, a) it's different, and, b) everyone needs girl time.
However, during the premiere, most people tweeted stuff like "OMG THE SEXUAL TENSION" "Kiss already!" "OH GOD they're in the bed!" "Oh the femslash being written". I did not. See, while, first of all, I don't think I would ever be for a gay couple (sorry, guys. just not me), I just didn't see it. It goes to the age old Two People Can Be Friends Without Having a Relationship. These two are no exception. Not to mention, it just isn't in their character. Both are obviously straight- hello, they flirt with Not-Charlie-Swan-FBI-Agent.
It was a fantastic episode- we got some backstory, some danger (in the first ep! so exciting!), friendship, and fun. I can't wait for the next ep!
(And here are my Tweets- It was very quotable)
#RizzoliandIsles!!!!!! Excitement.
Hee. I love the brother and sister fun(; Seems like my house.
That opening was darn awesome. #RizzoliandIsles
So do they know each other already? I hope so. I like established friendship. It will be especially interesting for a female one.
Since most close friendships on tv are male/female, this should be an interesting dynamic. #RizzoliandIsles
This dude was obviously a serial killer on CM. Methinks from 'Riding the Lightning'. And apparently I missed Billy Burke. #RizzoliandIsles
I like her protective and yet squeamish partner. I like protective partners... Or protective men in general. #RizzoliandIsles
Oh. Billy Burke is the FBI agent. Obviously, I'm just blind. Way to go, Bryn. #RizzoliandIsles
Oh, weirdness. Abbie Carmichael, Kaitlyn Todd, and Charlie Swan all together. Slightly confusing. #RizzoliandIsles
Awww. I love protective big brother. And her neighbor is very familiar. #RizzoliandIsles
"Oh, my God. Did you bring the dog, too?" ... "Where are you going?" "Someplace where you are not." #RizzoliandIsles
"Why do you always look like you're about to do a photo shoot?" Ahaha I love her tortoise. "You're better than Wikipedia."#RizzoliandIsles
As long as they aren't lesbians, I could really love these two. Lesbian would be awkward. Yay for them liking a guy! Wait. I'm sorry...
Did that sound homophobic or anything? So wasn't meant to be. I just prefer best friends to lesbians. #RizzoliandIsles
Hee. He says unsub. Awesome. #RizzoliandIsles
Maura is a lot like Bones, but girlier... and slightly more normal.#RizzoliandIsles
No! Korsak can't die! I like him!
"That's need to know." "Oh, you fed guys actually say that?!"#RizzoliandIsles
"Well, are you hungry? For food?" #RizzoliandIsles
XD I love the ringtones. #RizzoliandIsles
I was superrr sad when I thought Marisa was dead, and then I swear I jumped two feet off the couch. #RizzoliandIsles
Dear Billy Burke, you should recur. Because I like you. And I kind of like you with Jane. So, come back, kthxbai. #RizzoliandIsles
So, I want to blog about my other new shows, Covert Affairs and Memphis Beat, but I have volleyball practice. And would like lunch while I'm at it. If you don't mind.
Be back tonight and/or tomorrow.
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