Monday, March 30, 2009

Eleventh Hour is one of the shows that Bryn and I (Mila) obviously follow. We love the show and its freaky science dynamic as well as our favorite new character, Felix Lee. However, the show lacks in the whole character-development department, and character interaction is limited. Don't get us wrong, we love Hood and his queer mannerisms, and Rachel with her tough FBI Agent facade...but at the end of the season, all we know is that Hood's wife (Maggie) died, Hood has a sister and a nephew...and that Felix's mom has a Yorkie. That's about it.

What's our point, you may ask?

Well, this Thursday at 10 o'clock on CBS is the season finale of Eleventh Hour, titled "Medea". This is the episode description according to Dr. Hood is the only one who believes a psychotic woman's claims that an FBI official stole her baby and is keeping her medicated as part of a cover-up.

Sounds pretty interesting. Anyway, after that the show will come back for Season 2 (Date Unknown) on it's new day, Sundays at 10. However, Bryn and will not join the other viewers for Season 2. One reason for this is because we have to be in bed at 9 for Bryn, and 10 for me. And I have ONE night to stay up, which I am using for Castle on Mondays. And the other reason is, of course, the lack of character development.

One thing I do like about this show is the consistency. You can start watching the show at any time in the season and know what's going on, and understand who's who.

We wish the show the best of luck on its season finale, and on all its upcoming seasons. We honestly hope it does well, and if we hear that it's getting good, we'll tune back in.

Please know that we aren't trying to discourage anyone from watching the show. The show in itself is amazing. We just have to make time for other things.

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