Monday, February 15, 2010


So, The Original Spy has me hooked on Numb3rs now. Thanks.

(Visit her blog- for tons of Numb3rs awesomeness).

So, what do you need to know?
I am a die-hard Charmita shipper (Charlie/Amita).

Colby is hawt and made of win.
Also, introducing my Numb3rs character....
Sarah Abigail Eppes
Baby Sister of Don and Charlie and Significant Other of Colby.
FBI Profiler.
Because the Eppes Brothers need a Baby Sister, Alan needs a Little Girl, and Colby deserves some loving because he's made of win.

P.S. That was the best picture I could find, because cool character pictures didn't include Amita and Colby, which is just an epic fail.

Bones' Toasts

So, I've been thinking about the toasts that Brennan makes and what they show us. Also, I've been bored, and reading Numb3rs recaps, but can't actually do any recapping because SOMEONE (*cough*) has all of my DVDs. All of them. (Oh, wait. I do have 'Profiler, Profiled'. Hmmm....) Anyway, thank you for getting past my rather random ramblings. Onto actual substance...

#1- 'The Con Man in the Meth Lab'
(Side note: First Lily entries. Anyway, the toast.)

"Anthropology teaches us that the alpha male is the man wearing the crown, displaying the most colorful plumage and the shiniest baubles. He stands out from the others. But I now think that anthropology may have it wrong. In working with Booth, I've come to realize that the quiet man, the invisible man, the man who's always there for friends and family... that's a real alpha male. And I promise my eyes will never be caught by those shiny baubles again."

Okay... Analysis time. (Let's think Pre-IB English I for this, mmmkay?)
This one isn't as good as the next one, but let's point out one of the biggest things: She says that anthropology has something wrong. In other words, she is willing to deny everything that she has ever believed because of Booth. Hello.
Then, she goes on to point out his Alpha Male qualities, the biggest of which I think is that he's always there for friends and family. I'm thinking that THAT is what makes him the Alpha Male to her. Sure, the Alpha Male is the one that's going to scare he bad guys away (which he does), but the Alpha Male (in our society) is who you want to turn to.
Finally, she ends it by saying that she will "never be caught by those shiny baubles again." In other words, no matter how attractive, how rich, how whatever any guy could be, she's come to realize that no one is going to be better than Booth.
And that's fricking significant.

#2- 'The Dentist in the Ditch'
(No sidenote this time.)

"When Booth and I first met, I didn't believe that such a thing as love existed. I maintained that it was simply brain chemistry, but perhaps Booth is correct. Perhaps love comes first and creates the reaction. I have no tangible proof, but I'm willing to accept Booth's premise."

All right, let's start with how she opens this- "When Booth and I first met..."
Now, what does this sound like to you? Because when I talk about friends, I don't start off like that. However, when I hear people in love (especially married people) talk about changes that have occurred over the course of relationships, they introduce it like that. It's just another phrase that her and Booth use that sound like they're married.
Next- She changed her beliefs. Again. (See previous toast) Again, it's because of Booth that she's going to deny her previous beliefs- deny SCIENCE. That's just very significant to me.
Lastly, she says she has no tangible proof for Booth's theory, which can be looked at one of two ways.
1) Complete crap. Her and Booth love each other.
2) She doesn't have brain scans like Sweets does. Therefore, she doesn't know how their brain chemicals have been fluctuating since they met. That could be what she means by "tangible" proof- something scientific that she can hold in her hand, as opposed to feelings.

Honestly, I'm really hoping for some more toasts, because they give a lot of insight into the character of Brennan and her feelings, especially pertaining to Booth.
After all, we have quite a bit of insight into Booth's feelings, but not so much vice versa.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Interesting Relevance

So, this like for real just happened.
So, my mom was watching 'Penelope', and then this went down:

me: Oh my gosh! This is my favorite episode. Ever. Ever, ever.

Madre: (Now, the episode opens with no exposition- Garcia is just getting hauled off on a stretcher) What happened to her?

me: *deep breath* Okay. So, she went out on a date with this guy- well, she met him at a coffee shop because his computer was broken and then she fixed it and then he asked her out. And then she freaked out because she doesn't talk to strangers. And then Morgan- well, Morgan was just jealous, and then she got pissed off at him and went out with the guy. And then her date shoots her. Well, they said good-bye and she was all happy because it went well and he was cute and then he was like, "Hey, Garcia, I've been waiting to do this all night," and then he SHOT HER. But this is the best episode EVER.

Madre: (Understanding my obsession with Morgan and his protectiveness) And then he hunts him down and shoots him?

me: Oh yeah. Well, technically, Jayje shoots him, but it's still super awesome and omg.

Thirty minutes later, my Madre is in bed and I am internally squeeing at the "I love you"'s (for the what, eightieth time?). And now this is my favorite part, even though I should be watching Bones...

And aren't you glad you don't have real life conversations with me? I'm a little intense.
