Show Notes
Insurance. Psh. Nobody looks happy, so he's outta there. "Is it something I said?"
Baha. It's Super!Nate. Gotta love it. LOVE him saving the little girl.
Bananno? Ha.
All right. Leverage = Coolest. Title. Sequence. Ever.
Did something happen to her? Awww.
Daddy!Nate. Love that even more.
Sophie in a play. Hmmm. That's always, um... Interesting.
"Last name?" "Parker." "First name?" "No. Just one name."
Typical Eliot, trying to pick up a lady.
Look who all showed up. Quinky dink. "Eliot." "Nate." "Parker." "Hardison."
She tried to hug Nate. JUST Nate.
"You sing?" "Well, not as well as I act..." Uh-oh.
Poor Soph.
"Never before has a production of 'The Sound of Music' made me root for the Nazis." I've always loved Parker's unfeeling honesty.
"You quit drinking? You quit drinking?" I love Eliot.
"You rent a condo above a bar? How... Catholic."
"I know what would make you feel better. Let's steal something." "Yeah! We can do it together!"
Bike of crime.
She stole the Hope Diamond. And then she put it back because she was bored and didn't care. Typical Parker.
Hardison hacked the White House e-mail.
Hinky stuff in Pakistan. "I was in Pakistan."
They can't move on. They're the Leverage Team.
Hitter. Hacker. Grifter. Thief.
Look, they even raise their hands at their titles.
"You broke us."
Nate, you ARE a thief. So take your team to go steal something to help somebody.
Fight. Always cool. Oh, good going, Soph.
- Commercial Break One-
Parker is dressed like a nun. And she's eating cereal.
Sophie is wearing his shirt... She spent the night =]
"It's Parker." So true, Eliot.
Nate won't leave them.
Hahahaha. Hardison is the Priest and Parker the Nun.
Awww! He looked for her.
"People are like locks." Hmmm. I'll remember that.
"This is not 'gone'. This is 'more'."
Apple shampoo.
"Oh, THAT mob."
Robot Parker.
Get the mob with taxes.
Wow. That mob is smart.
Sober = Creepier metaphors.
Need one more person...
Of course you'll do this job, Nate.
Hardison and Parker... I like Eliot and Parker better, but we're clearly supposed to go in a Parker/Hardison direction... More on that after my notes.
-Commercial Break Two-
Detectives Costello and Castigan.
Finger thing. Everybody gets that.
Perfect... Beautiful... He likes it... H/P.
Hahaha. "I have thse things in my pants!"
Nate is currently getting the crap beat out of him. "Yeah. I'm the smartest undercover cop ever."
I love Sophie's acts. Annie Kroy.
Eliot thoroughly enjoyed that.
Nate and girl!
"There are wolves in the world."
-Commerical Break Three-
New earbuds. They get new ones, like, every episode.
$250, 000 is nothing to them.
That look said, "Don't talk about Sopihie that way."
He was SUPPOSED to go to the cops. Don't you hate it when awesome plans fall through? It does tend to make the storyline more interesting, though.
"Ooh, they're probably gonna shoot Nate in the face." "Parker, I can hear you."
This situation is not good.
Wait. I have a hypothesis. I BETTER be right. I love Eliot. He HAS to be okay.
-Commercial Break Four-
He's looking at Sophie like, "Oh. My. God."
BAHA Razorblade.
Smart move with the phone, lol. And I love Eliot as a cop.
Lasers. Nice.
Parker tazed him. Awesome. And she has duct tape. Wow.
Ketchup. *Gag* I. Hate. Ketchup. Ayway... Go, Eliot!
"I love a good death scene."
Hahahah Justice.
I always love Parker and money. The crazy chick cracks me up.
Nobody's that smart. Right.
A HUG! I called it. Yayyy for Daddy!Nate.
She has some long hair.
Awww. She gave him her medal.
Yayah! More jobs! (Like we didn't see that coming...)
He totally asked her out. That makes me smile.
Boyfriend??? NO. He WAS gone for six months...
Oooh. Nate is j-e-a-l-o-u-s. And very hurt.
Sophie, you drove him to the alcohol.
Don't do it... Don't do it... Good Nate.
"I'm Old Nate and I live here, too."
Hardison bought the building. Bahhaha.
Eliot and a chainsaw =]
I. Love. Leverage.
They're going to make me wait for scenes from next week. I was planning on watching Dark Blue anyway... (Notes for that later).
Next week- Crooked fight club. Nate... Fighting? No, Eliot. And Sophie looks very scared for him. Uh-oh.
H/P or E/P?
I, personally, like Eliot with Parker better. Maybe this is because Eliot and Parker are my two favorite characters. I just like Eliot's observations and comments about Parker, such as "There's something wrong with her". But maybe E/P is supposed to be a brother/sister relationship? Or, here's another thought. Both Eliot and Parker are not ones for being in serious relationships or settling down. Eliot likes to flirt and pick up lots of girls, and has broken off relationships when they become serious. Parker is just... Not normal. Having two characters who do not have serious realtionships kind of gets in the way of having a relationship. Hardison seems to be more of the guy who finds a woman he likes and dates her. He certainly does like Parker. Eliot is just such a gentleman, and he would be good for whoever he chooses. If we go in an H/P romantic direction, let's go in an E/P brother/sister relationship.
Foiled Plans
The great plan in this episode did not, well, go according to plan. The banker did not go to the cops, and therefore, everyone was put in danger. Well, that was certainly not good for our team, but it sure made the ending more interesting. Had the man gone to the cops, we would not have had the suspense of thinking Eliot was shot, for one thing. So, sure, we all like it when the brilliant leverage Team executes one of their awesome plans flawlessly. But, when things get mixed up... It mixes things up for us.
Six Months Apart
The Team was apart for six months before the reunion at Sophie's play. Obviously, they all missed each other and their jobs. Hardison even admitted to looking for Parker. But, they all seemed to fall into place as if they'd never been apart. Except, of course, for Nate and Sophie, the obvious OTP of this show. Now, Sophie told Nate she hada boyfriend. That really seemed to hurt Nate. At first, I was mad at her, like, How could she do that to him? And then I remembered the six months, in which he never tried to contact her. She had every right to find someone else if he was going to leave. His perpetual leaving is just another obstacle they'll have to overcome.
So, there was my first shot at analyzing. Was it good? Horrible?
Dark Blue will be my next post.
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