She is now Lily Catherine BOOTH, but still the same old Lily. Please read and review!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Diary of Someone's Daughter
So, the sequel to 'Dear Journal/Sweets' is FINALLY up. This story will tell Lily's tale through Season 5.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Bones- 'The Bond in the Boot'

I have decided to take notes for every episode of Bones because, simply put, it's my favorite. Although, again, this is my second time watching it. I was too busy cleaning to be on the computer when it actually aired.
This episode has Wendell. I love Wendell. I have a Wendell dance. It's quite amusing.
Handcuffed to the briefcase... Intriguing.
And of course he gets killed for it. Although I could have gone without watching him saw the guy's hand off.
Who's shooting now?
That cat is EATING him. Ga-ross.
"They just gave you a Rolex?"
"That's okay, Miss Rolex."
"Hey, you. Parking Guy."
I love how Booth totally knew what she meant.
"Why are the cats staring at us?" Creeeepy.
I love when Michellle gets mentioned. Yay for continuity. Yet I am wondering why a sixteen-year-old keeps asking for a kitten...
Wendell! "Actually, the family dog is much more likely to attack and consume it's owner." Not eat. Consume.
"Ergo, Dead Russian." "I don't get to say 'ergo' very often."
"An ex-Army Ranger with multiple commendations and a pristine record at the FBI isn't good enough for you?" "You shot a clown." "A mechanical clown. Don't tell me you've never wanted to do that."
Did he really just call him old? Really?
"We're not sure of anything." Ooh.
Accent! Lol. Russian accents are cool.
Of course Brennan is with Booth. Why do you even ask?
Um, NO. Wendell is NOT allowed to lose ANYTHING, especially not his scholarship/internship. No Wendell = MAJORLYdepressed!Bryn
I love how everyone likes him the best. This makes me wonder why he isn't just there so they can permanently keep him.
And they all freak out when he comes in. "What's new?" "Um, since you saw me on the Forensic Platform five minutes ago, not much."
That's James Bond's car! And then they start talking in British accents because they are AWESOME.
Please stop dissing the profiling. Tis my future job.
"Would lead any reasonable person to conclude..." "He's a spy." "Spy-ish."
Not Pilates for Dummies.
"There goes AAH."
"You want my advice?" "No." "Okay..." I think she should learn from Booth because it would make him happy.
Ballistics Guy. We have one of those now.
"Booth. I think the car is bleeding." And he magically gets a crowbar.
I could SERIOUSLY go without the melting flesh.
Bond's Car, Bond's Gun...
Mila- Ange, she's always had a lot of money. What are you talking about, "Now"?
Honey, you have enough money for the scholarship AND the poor people.
"I try not to get too attached to my assisstants. I find that even the best ones can dissapoint." Awww. Stupid Zack.
Conversation in between technical splurting.
Conspiracy Theories. I am glad those are back.
"Hey. I pack my lunch."
More freaking out when he comes around.
"It's a little weird. I mean you're loaded."
"Parker, giving me a hug because it's my weekend, and, you know, me and you solving a case... That's not about money." Awww.
"Someone like me?" Why are they all such jerks to Booth? He has Level 3 clearance.
She's sad that she can't stay. "But I can keep a secret." "We know, Bones."
"Oh, you mean The Miracle?" Awww. His mom prays to thank God for it. How can they take it away???
This girl is weird. And oddly familiar.
Pedro. haha. Just a poor little misunderstoood car thief who owns a chop shop. He got a check from the CIA for wrongful something and detriment of something else.
"You can ask my mother." Never a great defense. Kind of embarassing.
"It's always been my dream to work with you." Awww.
"I'll be sorry to see you go," "Um, where am I going?"
NO! DON'T TELL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially not so callously. Jeez.
"Why such excitement over this particular insect?" "Someone was spying on our spy who was spying on another spy."
"Aw, man. You told him?"
"Book for Imbeciles."
I love how, like everyone else, she thinks they're together.
"Like there's an acceptable protocol for crushing someone's soul."
"Anyone who could take that kind of abuse makes James Bond look like a weenie." "Weenie?"
She bought him the book. =] "Thanks, Bones. That is the sweetest thing."
She wants him to pay her so that he doesn't feel insulted. "No, I don't take credit cards."
Awww. She is taking Sweets' advice.
His mom. Awww.
Booth is NOT a double agent. "All elephants are grey, but not all grey things are elephants."
That dude did NOT just call Sweets a kid. I mean, I'm mad at Sweets, but still. They're like the same age. "At least I tuck myself in at night."
Bone Room.
They have ten minutes because the CIA is fail. Rutledge can bury the evidence and make it all go away.
"Let's just pretend this is the Stanley Cup Finals right now. You're down by two goals, you've got nine minutes left. The puck is about to drop. How do you want to go down? How do you want to be remembered?" Best Bones moment EVER.
And he goes into Frantic!Speech.
"You got one shot. One shot on goal to get in the net. What are you gonna do?"
"I'm gonna send you back to The Ukraine."
Major Bomb Squad action for a flash drive.
Can I please have a picture of Wendell in that shirt? Please? Yummm.
And they all hug him...
"Anonymously." Right. He knows.
I love that End Scene of Fluff. I mean, there was hand holding, him practically laying on top of her, and a really cute moment where they got sprayed. Plus they were talking about having no secrets and saying whatever they're thinking. Except for, of course, the Elephant in the Room, being the whole love thing. But, hey. They feel close to each other. I'll take that.
So... Wendell is the Love of My Life. Just so ya know.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
'Harbingers in the Fountain' OMGYAYZ!!!!
IT"S CYNDI LAUPER!!!!! She was the best part of the show.
Okay, so I'm taking notes while watching this for the second time because the first time around, I was too busy fangirling.

Temperance... Sick man in a hospital... Dream... She's telling him a story... They're happy... He's excited... ("People are already dead when I get to them." HAHA.) Booth has a lion heart! I love this psychic.
Seeley Joseph Booth. I am happy to now know his middle name.
He hasn't even talked to her in six weeks? Holy frick on a stick.
He misses the clothes? Uh-huh.
He thought they were married for days. Awww.
"Were you pregnant?" "What?"
"I'm tired." Code for "This is freaky and too true and it hurts."
Critical turning point between great happiness and... Death?
"Care to hug?" "Why?"
They're all acting like she's been gone for years, not six weeks...
SHE SAT ON HIM!!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
And then they hug. Instantaneously, naturally, happily. =]
Coinky-dink. Heehee.
A furniture mover? Really?
Crack!B&B blowing rasberries. HAHA.
You do NOT need to shave!
"Bones sees dead people."
Caroline!!! "I did not hear 'psychic', I hear 'anonymous source'!"
He IS worried he lost something. Sad!Booth.
I love the Cam and Booth friendship. Tis awesomesauce.
"Are you hearing voices? Seeley, if you're hearing voices, that's really serious."
And... it totally looks like he grabbed her.
"You're in love with Dr. Brennan." Now it's out in the open.
"Sweet, kick-ass FBI murder-solver with hard-fists and a lion heart?" "Forget your bruised brain and go with your lion heart." I love Cam. Now.
Basically, she just said that Bones trusts Booth with everything, and if he hurts her, she'll never be able to trust someone again.
I love this Cyndi Lauper song.
They have those articles to read. They're cool.
He got scared. And backed out. She wants to spend time with him, but he is afraid. How sad.
"Yay, brain damage joke. Real funny." I love Caroline.
"What I got are multiple degrees in botany, geology and entomology... Which allow me to discern vital clues... Like THIS one." I love the way he says that last part. And his Smart!Bragging.
"What's that? A graph of Russian wheat production in 1955?" Caroline is WIN.
Government conspiracy theory!
And Caroline explains Her vs. Booth.
He was killed from the inside out... Right.
"Awkward. Awkward. Very awkward."
"You should be proud of your excellent work."
"Why did you make a picture of the psychic?" She got bored.
"It's nice to see you together." She's on a first-name basis with them because she's Cyndi Lauper.
The Coffee Shop.
"'Oh, hello Angela. You look pretty today.' "Why, thank you, Booth. And hello to you, too." "Oh, I get it. She's pretending to be you and herself, though I don't know why."
"And Angela is going to work on the Internet..." Nice job description. And way to order her around. That made her sad. I love Angela.
Heck yes he wants a kiss on the forehead!
"Allergic to the whole world?"
Caroline is rankled.
I like how her nails are all white, except for one.
Dr. Brennan is magical.
"Don't touch the bobblehead!"
"Cam ratted me out?"
"Conclusion: Your feelings are not real." Sweets is WRONG!!! What happened to him being the ultimate fangirl?!?!
Yes, we all know that Bones' rational exterior is a defense for an extremely vulnerable woman. Only Booth REALLY sees that, though. Because she is only vulnerable around him.
Sweets is saying the same thing Cam did: DON'T HURT BONES.
"And that, Ladies, that is why they call me King of the Lab." "No one does that but you." Awww. Hodgins, WE care. You ARE King of the Lab.
He goes to Cyndi Lauper with his Brain/Love problem. She says they're losers. I agree.
"Go to her, now! Go to her! Now! Go! Go to her, now! Right now!" "Bones?" "Go to her right now!" "Bones!" I loved that.
Mila- Why did you lock the door? You DON'T lock the door!
Sneaky Bad Guy Doctor.
He has a scalpel and Bones goes Ninja.
Yay! He shot him! Knight in Shining Armor!!!
That's a lot of blood.
EPICALLY EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me = TOTAL FANGIRL. If you hadn't noticed.
"It's Bones' blood." "Is that supposed to be good?"
"I should've been there for her." Awww. Knight in Shining Armor.
"You killed the bad guy dead." As opposed to... Killing him ALIVE? "It always makes me a little glad. Does that make me a bad person?" Caroline = Win.
"Our little psychic friend."
And, apparently, she didn't learn her lesson about visiting suspects in the middle of the night. Although, it's Cyndi Lauper, so...
"Well, they gave me medication, so I feel how I imagine people of average intelligence feel all the time."
"That is a waste of time." "You tell me that AFTER I sent Agent Booth to save you?"
Abandoned child... Afraid of the world... Wrap it up neatly in bonds of reason, education, and proof... She's ah-mazing.
The only riddle she can't solve is why someone can't love her.
"Well, I'm beautiful and intelligent." And oh so modest.
"Yes, he knows the truth of you. And he is dazzled by that truth." Dazzled. Yes.
"Why is facial hair the marker of an adult male? Why not height? I'm tall." Normally, I would sympathize with Sweets, but I'm MAD at him.
"See, she is certain. That is good enough for me." Awww.
"Do not thank me."
FBI People! Yayz!
It's Attack!CyndiLauper! And WeUsePeople!B&B! And Sad!CyndiLauper.
"Is Sneaky good or bad?" "Good... If it holds up in court."
"Still in earshot, cherie, still in earshot."
"I don't want to talk about work."
"I have something to say to you, from inside my heart." "You have blood in your heart."
"Booth, do NOT kill the clown."
Clown Scene = EPIC FAIL.
I think when he shot that clown, she had that exact outfit and expression on.
And now he's doubting himself again.
"I love you."
"Atta-girl kind of way?" She sounds hurt by this.
"Murder isn't the only crime in the world, though it may seem that way to us."
I love Caroline's steering wheel cover.
HAHA. "Yeah, that's right, you SHOULD kiss me."
"Underneath, you're as crazy as I am. And that's a compliment." "It... Doesn't sound like one."
"This is usually the time when we go and get a drink." Yes it is, Booth. Good job.
"You guys are going to keep doing business as usual." "Sometimes, you gotta settle for second best."
"My cards tell me this all works out eventually." "Oh! Really?" =]
No end Scene of Fluff... Well, kind of, but not directly. Oh, well. There was Cyndi Lauper.
No Squintern, either. But Caroline. Also acceptable. Maybe.
I have MANY things to analyze. I think I'll do a separate post and collect my thoughts.
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