Now, I know I said I would post notes for every episode of Bones... But let's face it: I lied.
I like how the real estate agent's main concern was that now the house won't sell.
He hit a nurse. Hahaha.
Let me begin by mentioning that "Pops" is played by Ralph Waite, who played Gibbs' father on NCIS. This makes Gibbs Booth's uncle.
"Shrimp?" "I imagine Booth used to be... shorter." "Ahhh." Good job, Sweets.
Booth and his grandfather have a secret handshake. Nice.
I like the way he came and stood so close to Bones to present her.
"You weren't kidding." "What did you tell him?" I'm assuming he told his grandfather that Bones is freaking beautiful.
"Who is this, a friend of Parker's?" Hahahah. "You got room on your bicycle for my bag?"
"Nothing trumps family, Bones. Just remember that."
"Okay, Bones, we're frozen now." I love his sliding.
Of course it was spontaneous combustion. That is the only conclusion that makes sense.
Clark! This means this will be interesting. "Booth is a good man." And I like how he talks about the elderly. Clark is cool.
"Well, the SOB up and died on me." I love Pops.
"My therapist says I'm afraid to feel." Wow, this real estate lady is ANNOYING.
"Booth must be cute with his grandfather." And she does this cute little smile that says, "Oh, yes!"
So now she realizes that 'Bones' is a sign of affection. She definitely gave this little smile when she said, "No, just Bones," that meant that she doesn't mind that that's been her only nickname. And Angela knows it.
Angela is magical.
"Just because I'm maturing, people think I'm going senile."
"Don't worry. If you ever need a little privacy with that Bone doctor, I'll make myself scarce." Go, Pops! "There's nothing going on with us." "Are you gay?" HAHAHAHA. That's the second person to ask him that, about her. "She's a keeper."
"Well, go! Keep America safe!"
Hahaha. Pops has decided he is an employee.
*gasp* People actually eat at the Founding Fathers? Lol.
"I like her. She's real. She has balls." "Ovaries, actually." "Okay, you have a pair of steel ovaries." "Thank you." I. Love. This. Episode.
OMG! Poor Little Booth! *sniff*
She promised to hold him if he needed it when she tells him. I am taking it upon myself to write this one-shot.
Booth is kind of grossed out by Club Jiggle. And so am I.
"He's making you grilled cheese tonight." "Really?" "Yes. and I'm inviiiiiited."
"So, we were talking about murder here. Meg Tracy, fondling of fat..."
I love grilled cheese. =]
And the fact that Brennan is assuming responsibility with Booth. It's like how she's helping raise Parker. =]
"Your Grandma had some jam in her jelly." HAHAH.
"Is she always like this?" "She always has the facts." He was proud.
"She's got talent, charm, beauty, and money, and you are just friends? I didn't teach you well enough."
What an appropriate song.
"I don't want you disappearing into one of those women." Haha.
Celery stick? Why do people always call Bones skinny? In fact, she's putting on a little weight. It looks good.
"I mean, yes." and he puts an arm around her and pulls her close and they both look REALLY happy.
Go Pops! Hahaha.
"Neither can you." "That was nasty." "But it was true." Haha.
Fire? Why didn't Bones run out of there, too?
A leave of absence? =[ Of course he knows you love him!
"Weird cake sex." Hahaha. Clark is cool.
"That's so sweet. And horrible. Mostly horrible." It's really hard to be mad at Angela.
"You crochet?" "It's what we call sex." LOLZ.
"He's big and strong, but he needs someone. He's gonna need someone. Don't be scared." Awww!
Awww! He said she looks pretty! =]
All in all, a FANTABULOUS episode. My notes are lousy because I was way too caught up in its fantabulousness.
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