It's a cool spy thriller (from the creator of the Bourne series, so you know the spy stuff is gonna be good), but it, like all USA shows, character driven.
In the middle of it all are Annie and Auggie, who are adorable, especially together. I ship them. Duh. If you don't, then I don't just know about you. The cuteness is overwhelming. My favorite scene is when they go out for drinks(:
Also, Maggie from Leverage (Nate's ex-wife) stars in this show. I think her name is Joan, but I just call her Maggie.
I like not only the characters, not only the thrilling action (because holy crap, on Annie's first day/assignment, she almost got killed. Twice.), but also the life at the CIA. It's interesting. It's entertaining. It's often funny.
USA does shows the right way.
P.S.- I keep having dreams about this show. Adorable Annie/Auggie dreams.
And now #CovertAffairs! I'm excited.
Dear Piper Perabo, it's really not fair how adorable you are.#CovertAffairs
"Blind guy leading you around the CIA... Insert ironic joke here." I already love Auggie. #CovertAffairs
"In fact, the CIA encourages dating in the agency." (:
Hey! Look! It's Maggie Ford! #CovertAffairs #Leverage
"You're outnumbered four to one by men who'll hold the door open and call you ma'am and can change a tire." yummy. #CovertAffairs
So I totally already ship Auggie/Annie. Duh. #CovertAffairs
"Or as we call it, Thursday at the agency." #CovertAffairs
Dear Auggie, I love you. Lots. xoxo, Bryn.
So, supervisor lady, I think Joan, I'm going to call you Maggie. Because you're obviously Maggie. #CovertAffairs
"Because I'm not a CIA wife. I'm a wife who works for the CIA." Love it. You go, Maggie. #CovertAffairs
I would probably want to hit that guy in the face. Auggie is 800,000 times more adorable. Have I mentioned that I love Auggie?#CovertAffairs
ANGELL!!!!!!!! Dear God, I miss her. And her being with Flack. I'll say it again- ANGELL!!!!! #CovertAffairs
Oh, Auggie. I knew you would come. #CovertAffairs
"What are you? Sight-ist?" #CovertAffairs
"Go get him, girls." #CovertAffairs
Mustachioed freak! Gaaah!
Yeah, Stas, you look Spanish. Not Russian. #CovertAffairs
So, here's this award, but you can't actually have it. "The agency giveth, and the agency taketh away." #CovertAffairs
Yeah, cuz him being part of the plot is SUCH a surprise. Not. And the name Ben Mercer? Ridiculously familiar. #CovertAffairs
My parents just told me that I should be in the CIA because I speak multiple languages. #CovertAffairs
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