Here's what else Alex had to say (from Twitter):
"It's official. I'm watching the CSI premiere to see how they handle (or don't) Wendy's departure, and then I'm done. Done.
Maybe I'll watch some of the interesting episodes of CM this fall, but I've had it with this crap. I no longer have any reason to watch CBS.
I can't deal with a network that has no respect for its shows. They have no respect for the fans; no respect for their employees. I'm done.
They killed Numb3rs for no good reason, rehired Sheen for no good reason, cut Cook for no good reason, cut Vassey for no good reason...
There's a list of things in the past several months, and they all conclude with CBS doing something for no good reason and it pisses me off.
So in conclusion: Go to hell, CBS. Maybe it's an overreaction, but I just don't care anymore."
I can't help but agree. These are the CBS shows I watch(ed):
Criminal Minds
That's seven. Of those seven, only two (technically three) are unaffected by CBS BS.
CSI:Miami- getting rid of Eddie Cibrian because Adam Rodriguez decided to come back. While I'm all for the ensemble cast that has worked so well, I really liked Jesse, and he was a great addition to the show. I'm tired of the CBS people getting a new person and then deciding to take them off because they don't think they fit well (Remember Riley Adams?). And I've heard that the season premiere ends with a funeral- if he dies, I will be even more pissed.
NCIS- Unaffected, as far as I know. But I wouldn't be surprised.
NCIS:LA- Also unaffected as far as I know.
Criminal Minds- This could get its own blog post. They have decided to cut AJ Cook (J.J.) completely, and seriously limit Paget Brewster (Emily). Wtf? First of all, they're my favorites- especially Emily. I mean, the show is mainly about the guys, and they were some great female characters to balance them out. There is no good reason for this, and all of the actors were blindsided. The fans put out a petition and there was a huge campaign to "Save the CM Ladies!" but it's a done deal. This brings us back to what Alex said about them having no respect for their shows, employees, or fans. This show works with an ensemble cast, which is SO important to the CSIs (enough to cut "replacement" characters), and yet for CM, a show that's had the same characters for most of its run, they're cutting two main characters to "shake things up". Case in point, no respect for the show. Then, the actors were all totally blindsided. The girls were upset, and so were all of their cast mates. In fact, the other actors were at the very front of the campaign. No respect for employees. And, when the fans launched a huge campaign (graphics, twibbons, a petition with tens of thousands of signatures overnight), nothing happened. Tons of people are going to stop watching the show. Apparently, CBS doesn't care. No respect for the fans. This was the first part of hating CBS- the other things are just the straws that broke the camel's back. I still can't get over this- CM was one of my favorite shows, but how can I love it without Snarky Emily?
CSI:NY- Melina Kanakaredes is leaving. Okay, so this isn't CBS, this is her own personal choice, but still. Stella is one of my favorite TV characters. Plus, SMacked was starting to heat up. I'm very sad.
CSI:- Apparently, they're getting rid of Liz Vassey (Wendy) for no good reason. They're replacing her with some explosives chick who' supposed to be hot (and could be romantic for Nick, from something I heard). And, while romance for Nick is always good, it should not be at the expense of another character that is well-liked. Especially when Wendy was getting development (mainly in the Hodges department).
Numb3rs- Cancelled. For no good reason. Again, the fans launched a campaign. Went at it. We love N3. We told them we love N3. And... it's gone. For NO GOOD REASON. That's what pisses me off the most. Everything that I have complained about in this post is for NO GOOD REASON.
And while we're on the subject of reasons- they're bringing back Charlie Sheen (A FELON WHO HITS HIS WIFE). Do you know how much he gets paid per episode? Millions. And then they claim that these actors are being fired for "financial" reasons. Um, you can't afford your ensemble cast, but you can pay A FELON millions per episode? What BS.
Paget Brewster said this about reasons (via Twitter): "Creative Reasons" has been an Executive Bullshit excuse for DECADES. It IS financial. AJ is a dreamboat. And yes, I am hurt, too.
So, what is the point of even watching ANY CBS show anymore? I mean, I like them. I like the plot, the characters (the ones that are left, anyway). But, I mean, why support a station that obviously doesn't care what I want? The CM cast (including/especially AJ and Paget) says to continue watching, to support their friends. And I LOVE CM. I'm just... So angry.
In the words of Alex, Go to Hell, CBS.
I hate you.
Aw, I'm such a good influence. Or a terrible one; I can't be sure.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is that I understand that sometimes there need to be executive decisions. But this many in this short of time, and without real cause? No.
The Criminal Minds news is the one I'm most upset about. Every time I think of it I get angrier. It doesn't help that Joe Mantegna is tweeting about it being their first table read and how bittersweet it is and how classy AJ Cook has been. Not that I'm upset with any of the cast at all, who've been so supportive of her. But, it's just driving the whole thing home and making wish I could do something incredibly unclassy to CBS. Second to them not changing their minds the thing that irks me the most is that the anger of the fans has probably rolled right off their backs. I want it to stick to them like a bad fungus. (Yes, I'm very invested)
ReplyDeleteI'm upset about Paget Brewster too. It's just AJ's departure is sooner and no time for anything. Two stinking episodes. One of which has to deal more with the season finale than anything else. But when we get closer to the end of next season, then I'll really start to feel angry about Paget.